i haven't baked in a while.. so i looked in my fridge to see what i could make. i was feeling a bit lazy when i notice a lonely forgotten box of pie crust that i had meant to use months ago.. now that i have gotten used to making everything completely from scratch, i didn't know what to do with this box. it was actually kinda perfect because as i said earlier, i was feeling kinda lazy. so mini apple tarts and peach tarts were the result. the apple above turned out quite cute and tasty. however as i was baking the peach, the crimps had opened and made a mess.. so i transferred them to muffin pans mid-bake and the result was an equally cute rustic cobbler... do i dare say.. was even more delicious. so i found a use after all :)
i am an eater. i heart treats of all shapes and sizes... sweet, savory, spicy, and especially sweeties. while forever searching for a yummy treat, a baby baker has been born. hope you enjoy as i document my first trials in capturing treat after treat.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
"CPK" BBQ pizza
I didn't realize pizza dough needed at least 24 in the fridge..so my appetite was really growing. 24 hrs later, I was super excited had bought fresh ingredients...then..oh no... I couldn't find the bbq sauce like I thought I did. everything was ready, I could not not make it..even if I have to settle for regular margarita pizza. But not to fear, google to the rescue.. Was it possible to make bbq sauce from scratch too? Most recipes called for wostershire sauce...which if course I didn't have. skeptically, I made it anyway improvising with a dash of hot wing sauce that I did find and didn't know I had : p..and it turned out quite spicy but not bad at all. so back to the plan. Taking that first crispy bite, a mixture of sweet, spicy, and fresh cilantro filed my mouth and was so worth the wait. |